I edited Fred Copestake’s third book Ethical Selling.
‘If I’ve learnt anything from writing my previous two books it is that a good editor is vital.
So having Jane on the case was a blessing.
She took the time to understand what I was trying to achieve and used this to make excellent edits and suggestions to the manuscript.
I must thank her for her patience and flexibility when I got stuck in some of the latter stages and for keeping me on track to deliver copy I can be proud of.
An absolute pleasure to work with and I recommend her to help any author on this important part of the writing process.’
Fred Copestake, Author, Ethical Selling
See Fred’s book on Amazon
I edited Power Dynamics in African Forests: The Politics of Global Sustainability by Symphorien Ongolo and Max Krott.
‘It was really a pleasure and a privilege to work with you! Looking forward for potential other collaborations in the future.’
Symphorien Ongolo, PhD full-time researcher in political science at the French national institute for sustainable development (IRD – France), University Paul-Valéry of Montpellier
‘Jane has worked on numerous copyediting projects for us. She is extremely reliable and her level of attention to detail is excellent. We have always enjoyed working with Jane and consider her to be a valuable member of our freelance team.’
Louise Smith, Editorial, Florence Production
‘Jane’s work is of the highest professional standard. She is highly competent as an editor and proofreader, is meticulous in her attention to detail and sensitive to nuances which would otherwise have escaped me. A pleasure to work with, she creates an enduring confidence of being in safe hands. I would not hesitate to engage her services in the future.’
Professor Ray Fuller, Fellow Emeritus, Trinity College, Dublin
I edited Karen Turner’s fourth book Counterpoint.
‘I wish to thank my amazing editor Jane Woodhead who never fails to offer the best and most professional editing services a writer could ask for.
My current work in progress is a new genre for me but I know that Jane’s varied experience and her adaptability, not always easy to find, will continue to provide the expert guidance I find so valuable. I would always recommend Jane.’
Karen Turner, Author
See Karen’s book on Amazon
I edited Julie Roberts’ regency romance Dangerous Masquerade.
‘Thank you, Jane, for the advice you gave me to finalise my novella, Dangerous Masquerade.
Your report was by chapter with clear presentation of your thoughts and reasoning. Our meeting to discuss these improvements led me to finish my historical romantic story to a professional standard for publication.
I look forward to working with you again.’
Julie Roberts, Author
See Julie’s book on Amazon
I edited Karen Turner’s third book Stormbird.
‘I had previously engaged Jane Woodhead to work on my first two novels, Torn and its sequel Inviolate. Both these books were set in England during the Regency era. Jane’s ability to understand a genre and pin-point weaknesses enabled me to produce two very well-received novels.
My third and most recent book Stormbird is set during the Second World War, but even so I had confidence that Jane’s adaptability would ensure that I, an Australian writer, could deliver yet another historical fiction that was true to its time and setting.
After self-publishing my first two books, I was thrilled when Stormbird attracted the attention of a UK publishing house, and shortly after I signed a contract with them.
I credit Jane’s editing skills as a major factor in my being able to produce such a polished manuscript.’
Karen Turner, Author
See Karen’s book on Amazon
I collaborated with Stuart Smith to edit a manual for selected teachings from the spiritual guru, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
‘Jane Woodhead did a superb job editing my work. She was encouraging and meticulous. She also completed the work to my tight schedule and at a very reasonable price. I recommend her services.’
Stuart Smith, Author
I worked with Victoria Fishburn to edit her illustrated book about the role of a Berkshire High Sheriff.
‘Thank you for all the great work you have done to get the book edited and highly organised for our designer to achieve the next stage. Your calmness and accuracy has made for a wonderful book. And Jane, I have yet to find an error – so fingers crossed. It has been lovely working with you.’
Victoria Fishburn, Author
I worked with Perry Walker to edit her first children’s book, My Amazing Mummy.
‘Jane and I have been working together for many months on my first published book, My Amazing Mummy.
Jane has been such a huge support for me throughout the whole process. She has incredible knowledge and insight, which has made editing my book a joy.
She has helped to guide me from an initial idea, right through to being a published author. At points, I almost gave up!
Thanks to Jane’s encouragement I have seen the process through to the end and have now achieved my dream! I have a book published on amazon and I can work on inspiring children to do as I have.
Jane, thank you, I cannot recommend your editing services highly enough! I look forward to working on my series with you in the near future.’
Perry Walker, Author
See Perry’s book on Amazon
Karen Turner hired me to edit her first novel in the historical romance genre, Torn.
‘To my terrific editor Jane Woodhead, you made a gruelling process virtually painless. It was great working with you – let’s do it again sometime!’
See Karen’s first book on Amazon
Karen Turner hired me to edit her second novel, Inviolate, a sequel to Torn.
‘Then, there’s my editor Jane Woodhead. Now, Jane, your calm and quiet exterior belies the whip-cracker you really are! You kept me on track and made me accountable and if I had a few wins along the way, you made me earn them. Thanks for everything – we did it again … just as we planned!’
See Karen’s second book on Amazon
Jane was the obvious choice

I first engaged Jane Woodhead’s editing services in 2013 after I’d written my first book, Torn. My initial intention was to garner her unbiased thoughts as it was the first full-length novel I’d written.
Jane’s feedback was invaluable and her constructive criticism enabled me to fine tune my novel.
Even the best writers make mistakes; I’m a big believer in using a professional editor. However, Torn is a historical work set in rural Yorkshire – I wanted an editor who understood classical English because the authenticity of my dialogue and language was not negotiable.
Jane was the obvious choice.
I’d heard some horror stories about editors taking control of a writer’s work but Jane was very easy to work with and kept to our schedule. Her consultative approach ensured I felt in control at all times while she offered advice and criticism without breaking my heart or losing sight of the fact that this was my baby!
Naturally, by the time I was ready to publish my second novel Inviolate, there was no doubt I would engage Jane again.
As I write this, my third novel, Stormbird, is nearing completion. Of course, I am using Jane’s services.
By the way, I am an Australian writer, living in Australia, but even geographical constraints are no impediment. Jane and I meet regularly via video conferencing as she keeps me up to date with my project.
I would recommend Jane Woodhead’s services to any writer – regardless of genre.